Monday 1 August 2016

Robotic Hand Playing Tetris

Hello everyone,
Our office does this creativity show every year where everyone shows their cool projects. Me, Gil Ron, and another guy from the office teamed up, and started to think about ideas. The first set of ideas was about drones. I mean drones are cool, but probably everyone will do something with drones. We wanted to do something cooler.  Searching for ideas this link comes up which refer to this project.

For us it looks pretty simple to make, but what are we doing with a robotic hand?
The first idea was to open a beer can. Thinking about it it's pretty hard maneuver as you can see in the following video

Our 3d printed hand probably can not do this. Whats next? playing Tetris!
We found this project and decided to take the code, and send the commands to our hand, which press on the keyboard and plays Tetris!

Printing the hand
Getting it together


Maybe we can still open bottles with this tool? naah let's continue

 Putting the hand on the computer (I don't know how a sock got into the picture)

It's alive!!

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